Terrenus Land & Water provide a skilled and professional service for private landowners, developers and commercial clients, offering a comprehensive range of services for land development. Terrenus specialises in development solutions involving soil, rock and water.
Contaminated land risk assessment and geotechnical engineering forms a key part of our company’s activity. Our aim is to reduce development risk and front end cost to a minimum whilst providing robust engineering solutions.
From conceptual site models to validation Terrenus can provide everything from concept to foundation construction through our Stage 1 Desk Study, Stage 2 Site Intrusive Ground Investigations, Remediation Strategy and Validation services. All studies are managed, supervised and adapted to suit your site in order to reduce costs whilst achieving suitable designs for approval and robust development.
Detailed Contaminated Land Risk Assessments and contaminated groundwater modelling allow the identification of both on- and off-site sources of contamination and management of risk, facilitating development of brownfield and greenfield sites in a cost-effective manner.
Water supply pipe determination to UKWIR guidance and testing can be assessed on a site by site basis.
Terrenus are proficient in minimising the removal of waste material from site and conducting classification testing and Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) Testing, should waste have to be removed from site.
Slope stability modelling and settlement analysis on soils can be undertaken for slope design, existing land raising and historic slopes and elevations for project ranging from the small scale to major roads developments. Terrenus also maintain calibrated industry approved Leica Geosystem Survey Equipment to obtain accurate spot height information.
Terrenus aspire to provide bespoke cost-effective foundation design using innovative solutions wherever possible. With consideration of sulphur impact on concrete type, foundation solution and site constrictions.
With our approved monitoring equipment, Terrenus can provide both gas monitoring and groundwater monitoring as part of the Stage 2 Intrusive Ground Investigation. Subject to the results of the gas monitoring, Gas Protection Measures can be designed to current best practise.
Terrenus staff are experienced in the identification and treatment of Invasive Species such as Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed and Himalayan Balsam, which can have significant impacts on the timeline and cost of development.
Soil Percolation tests or infiltration tests can be undertaken to determine the soils capacity to infiltrate and treat discharge from private septic systems and SuDS systems.
Both independently and via the Terrenus Group, Environmental Impact Assessments can be undertaken for all scales of development.
With geology at the core of our practice Terrenus is skilled in rock investigation and mapping as well as mine stabilisation engineering, grouting and mine shaft capping.
Terrenus staff are regulars at the British Geological Survey library in Edinburgh to conduct reviews of Mine Abandonment Plans and geological mining memoires as part of a thorough Coal Mining Risk Assessment (CMRA).
Where intrusive drilling works are required, Terrenus can facilitate the application and approval of Coal Authority Licenses.
The design and supervision of targeted exploratory site investigation works via trenching or rotary boreholes to determine mine shaft location, historic mine workings and mineral stability. Terrenus also provides consultancy and supervision services for mine stabilisation works including mine shaft capping and grouting of historic workings, as well as other geo-technical techniques
Both rotary open hole and rotary core rock engineering geology logging services can be provided, including Rock Quality Designation (RQD), Total Core Recovery (TCR), Solid Core Recovery (SCR) and Fracture Index assessments on rock core.
Visual inspections for rock face stability or rock fall potential can be undertaken with appropriate cost-effective remedial recommendations.
In line with current legislation Terrenus is skilled in assessing the water environment though both hydrological and hydraulic assessments of flood risk and Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) assessments and design. Coastal, Fluvial (River), Pluvial (surface water) and groundwater assessments can be undertaken as desktop studies, outline hydraulic modelling or detailed hydraulic modelling in 1D, 2D or combined 1D/2D scenarios.
The risk of flooding can be assessed qualitatively or quantitatively with Terrenus aiming to reduce costs whilst achieving a robust assessment at all times.
Terrenus are skilled in a variety of hydrological assessment methodologies to determine peak flow estimations for runoff from with any given catchment. Assessment techniques can be based on observed flow data from gauging stations or based on catchment descriptors from the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH). Rainfall runoff models such as Revitalised Flood Hydrograph (ReFH) model, Rainfall Runoff model are used together with the WINFAP 4 statistical analysis where appropriate.
Terrenus undertake a robust iterative risk-based approach to flood risk assessment. Hydraulic modelling, whether 1D, 2D or combined 1D/2D can be undertaken on a variety of different modelling platforms, dependant on the requirements of the site and the complexities of the water environment. Terrenus have hydraulic modelling experience in MIKE11, MIKE21, MIKE FLOOD, MIKE URBAN, HEC-RAS, Flood Modeller, TUFLOW, ISIS and Infoworks RS & ICM.
Publicly available LiDAR dataset and Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS) software allow pluvial and overland flow assessments to be undertaken utilising 2D rain on grid hydraulic modelling. Additional spot height information to assist in the determination of overland flow pathways can be acquired using in-house Leica Geosystem Survey Equipment. Such 2D modelling can be incorporated into the design and application of appropriate SuDS measures. The use of the MicroDrainage software package as well as in-house bespoke methodologies allows Terrenus to assess new developments for suitable SuDS.
Coastal Flood Risk assessments include the assessment of peak still water extreme sea level, estuarine assessment, storm surge and wave action. Coastal flood risk assessments can be desk-based studies or hydraulically modelled in 2D.
As part of any flood risk assessment Terrenus facilitate by the interpretation and assessment of Scottish Water Asset Plans with respect to potential surcharging events.
Through the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations and the related Controlled Activity Regulations (CAR) Terrenus facilitate the application of both simple and complex SEPA licenses with respect to sewage and surface water treatment and control.